Friday, July 06, 2007

Docuementary about Oaxaca aired in open Greek Television

The link to the following docuemtary was sent to me by my dear friend Dimitris. I couldn't download the video so I sent some emails asking for help as to how to do that or that if someone else could do it that he share the link with me.

Fortunately, someone did and so here is the documentary, its narration is in greek with dialogs in spanhish and greek subtitle. So most of the people as myself wont't be able to follow the narrative, (as it is all greek to us).

Its great docuemtnary,thought. It puts together images and arguments that coherently give sense to what to outsiders could appear as a big messy situation. Enjoy it, and put attention to the music. It is Oaxacan music either that arose to protest as 'el son de la barricada' or more traditional music. In my opinion musicalisation does a great job in supporting the story.