This is a video by Mexican artist Gabriela Leon,... I have seen it months ago, but only now I came across a new exhibition in the university of california,... so if you are near go and take a look at the artistic side of Oaxaca's revolt.
information in this link:
This exhibition is a multi-media artistic response to the popular revolt and resistance that unfolded in Oaxaca in 2006 and the first traveling solo exhibition outside of Mexico for artist Gabriela León. Some of the elements of the exhibition will consist of a "barricade dress" made of barbed-wire, tire treads and mattress springs found amidst the detritus; a video projection of the artist wearing the dress walking among protestors and police; a sound installation that evokes the voices of the crowds; and tarps inspired by the temporary living structures during the lengthy protest. A bilingual catalogue is available for purchase. Major support for the exhibition comes from the University of California Institute for Mexico and the United States (UC Mexus) and artbeam. The exhibition was organized by UC Riverside Sweeney Art Gallery and curated by director Tyler Stallings. Additional support was made possible by the Charles Griffin Farr Fund.
enjoy the video, and Oaxaca's police environment.